Monday, July 9, 2007

Short Introduction

     Welcome to my new blog. Basically I plan this to serve as a stream-of-consciousness-type blog dealing with issues and questions in music from the standpoint of a lowly, but opinionated, Virginia-based saxophone player. I will not hesitate to post my feelings on any subject matter at a given time, but I, as should you, do recognize that as I grow and develop as a player and as a human being in general, my opinions are subject to change or alter based on learning new things and reading new opinions. Thus, if you read this blog, I encourage you to post your thoughts on my own.
      So, let's all have fun and rip the shit out of each other and issues in the music scene today. In the end, some of us may lose our dignity and a couple of limbs, but DAMN will we have had a good discussion!

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